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Our Mission 

In partnership with the community we serve, the Guilford County Department of Public Health shall protect, promote and enhance the health and well-being of all people and the environment in our country. 

Our Vision 

Our History 

Guilford County Department of Public Health is NC's first full time health department and our nation's second. Preventing disease and promoting health is what the Guilford County Department of Public Health continues to do 100 years after Dr. Ross began his work. Throughout 2011, the Department celebrated its Centennial with a look back at the past. In 1912, Dr. William M. Jones took over as health superintendent. During his 11-year tenure, malaria made it on the list of health concerns for our community along with the need for health education and improved children's health. Over the next few years, diseases came and went, which kept the department on its toes. During WWII, Greensboro housed the largest military base inside any city limits; unfortunately, this led to our county having one of the highest rates of sexually transmitted disease in the country. 
Healthy people living in a healthy community. 
For the next 30 plus years, Guildford's country health department continued to add programs and services to meet the community's needs and assure compliance with state public health laws. HIV/AIDS was a new disease that challenged the system while old issues like infant mortality continued, becoming an even greater problem. Services have been reorganized and sometimes outsourced in order to best serve the community. An example of this was the privatization of the children's acute care clinic which became Guildford Child Health, today known as the Triad Adult and Pediatric Medicine, Inc. Access to health care for the working poor continues to be a significant need today, but in 2010, the establishment of the Evans-Blount Community Health Center in southeast Greensboro was an example of a Guilford County public-private partnership making quality services more accessible and affordable. 
"We are proud of our history in this community," states Green "Our past has prepared us to continue to be leaders in the future." 
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